Children: The Leaders of Tomorrow

August 18, 2022

Wholeeatsafrica  Friday, May 27, 2022

There is a popular saying that ‘Children are the leaders of tomorrow’. This is true, no doubt. Children are indeed leaders of tomorrow. However, one underrated factor that stands between children and their bright future is malnutrition. How can a child be a leader when the child is not properly fed. How can a child achieve his/her full potential in the future, when that child suffers from malnutrition? How can a child reshape the world tomorrow, if that child lacks the basic nutrients needed to grow? With the aforementioned, it is arguable that malnutrition is indeed a silent child killer.

In the world over, malnutrition is a direct or underlying cause of 45 percent of all deaths of under-five children. The effects of malnutrition on a child’s development are serious. Without the right amount of nutrients, the body can’t fend off diseases or remain healthy, thus, Malnutrition weakens the immune system and places the child at risk of deficiencies such as kwashiorkor, anemia, and vitamin deficiency among others

To create individuals who can achieve maximum potential, nutritional factors are a very important element to note. The toddler age is known as the “Golden age” of growth and development. This is because, at the age of 0-5 years, the infant undergoes a process of growth and development that will determine the conditions in the future.

At the time of the golden age, the brain development of the little one is very rapid, reaching 80 percent of his/her potential. The need to maximize the golden period by providing a good and balanced nutritional intake for the child cannot be overemphasized. If the nutritional adequacy is not met then the toddler is at risk of malnutrition.

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, an estimated 2 million children in Nigeria suffer from severe acute malnutrition (SAM), but only two out of every 10 children affected is currently reached with treatment. This is not good enough!

At Community Pot, we believe that the first 36 months of an infant are crucial to their survival and cognitive development. We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that infants have the right nutrition for their development. 

In accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2.2 goal to eliminate malnutrition, Community Pot, through nutritious supplementary foods, is advancing the cognitive and physical development of every child to ensure rapid and adequate development.

Community Pot works to prevent malnutrition by supporting the education and counseling of mothers and caregivers on how to adequately feed their children, and by providing Organic Protein Meal for the children. With a target of reaching 1,000 children monthly, we are contributing to end malnutrition in Nigeria and globally. You too can be a part of the movement.

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